April 7, 2020
Ironic….Don’t you think?
Coming into the New Year, we all had exciting plans. Plans that we looked forward to that would allow us to de-stress from whatever it was we thought our life would be. Some of us had weddings planned, vacations booked, family reunions scheduled and so much more. Welp, fast forward to less than 90 days in, insert a global pandemic that’s rapidly sweeping the entire nation and call that bad boy COVID-19.
As I am writing this from the comfort of my own home, now going on week 3 of quarantine life, I imagine you are also reading this from the comfort of your own home. If you are an essential employee, and are reading this at work, THANK YOU for what you do, I know it’s not easy and you deserve the world when this is all said and done!
For some of us quarantined in the house, we are desperately searching for things to keep us busy and our minds off what’s going on in the outside world. This time has allowed us to tap into our creative spaces, creating our own sense of normalcy by bringing what we would be doing outside, now inside our homes.
People are having virtual happy hours, brunches, dinners and even parties online! Couples are face timing their loved ones to take part in virtual ceremonies, DJ’s are putting on concerts via Instagram with over 150,000 attendees and celebrities are reading books for children on YouTube. Thank goodness for technology!
They say there is a silver lining in every situation. Who are “they” you might ask? Well, it’s you! What have you learned during this time that you will continue to do after this is all over? Have you learned to be OK with being still and finding out how to do things when you have limited options?
Regardless of what you did or didn’t learn, there is one thing that will always stand out in our minds and that is how connected we are to each other. How we will always find ways to connect with the ones we love, even at a distance. Even at a time when we all feel hopeless.
LaTasha Fisher
Facility Coordinator
This entry was posted on Tuesday, April 7th, 2020 at 1:43 pm.
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